Peace & Recovery

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In this Image Kutupalong Refugee Camp in Bangladesh. © 2018 Sebastian Chaskel

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Research Findings

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Employment has psychosocial value among refugees in Cox’s Bazaar

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Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are severely limited by regulations outlawing formal work, in addition to movement restrictions that limit access to nearby informal work, potentially contributing to poor mental health outcomes. This randomized evaluation examined the effects of employment on psychosocial wellbeing and found that employment delivers significant psychosocial wellbeing, particularly among men. Moreover, a weekly cash provision of equal value did not improve psychosocial wellbeing, and 66 percent of those who worked were willing to forego cash payments for working. The results can be used to inform social protection policies for the unemployed in low income countries and refugee populations globally.

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Men, women, and children stand on a street in Liberia. © 2010 Glenna Gordon

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Behavioral therapy and cash transfers reduced criminal behavior among high-risk men in Liberia

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Urban crime and violence is one of the most costly and divisive issues facing cities around the world. Short-term studies have demonstrated that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective way to reduce violence and criminality among adolescents and young adults. To understand the long-term effectiveness of CBT, researchers evaluated the impact of a CBT program and unconditional cash transfers on the behavior of high-risk young men in Liberia. Results demonstrated that CBT with or without cash reduced the likelihood of aggressive and criminal behavior among participants and improved some measures of self-control and self-image. CBT plus cash amplified and prolonged these benefits. Cash alone reduced crime in the short-run, but effects dissipated within a year.

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Police officers greeting citizens in Mexico

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Peace & Recovery Funded Projects

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IPA’s Peace & Recovery Program supports innovative research on crime, violence, conflict, displacement, and humanitarian crises through our competitive research initiatives. Our Peace & Recovery Initiative supports research on a wide range of topics related to conflict and crisis.

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A Tibetan woman works as a weaver in the carpet workshop of the Tibetan Refugee Self-Help Centre in Darjeeling, India. © 2017 Shutterstock / Mazur Travel

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Displaced Livelihoods Initiative Funded Projects

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The Innovations for Poverty Action and Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab Displaced Livelihoods Initiative (DLI) supports rigorous impact evaluations, pilots, exploratory studies, infrastructure and public goods projects, and scaling work to inform policies and programs on sustainable livelihoods for displaced populations and host communities.

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Peace & Recovery Initiative


Building the evidence base on reducing violence and fragility, promoting peace, building social cohesion, and preventing, managing, and recovering from crises

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Displaced Livelihoods Initiative


Supporting new evidence on the impacts of livelihoods programs for displaced populations and host communities

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Humanitarian Protection Initiative


Generating research to improve protection outcomes for conflict-affected populations

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Peace & Recovery

Our Team

Peace & Recovery

Our Team

Program Director

Ricardo Morel

Ricardo is the Program Director for IPA's Peace & Recovery Program. He previously served as Country Director for IPA's Myanmar country office, managing IPA’s projects in Myanmar and leading the development of new research opportunities.

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Associate Program Director

Nessa Kenny

Nessa manages the Peace & Recovery Program's competitive research fund and supports the program's policy outreach, project development, communications, and fund development activities.

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Senior Program Associate, Peace & Recovery

Caroline Lawton

Caroline Lawton is a Senior Program Associate on IPA's Peace & Recovery team supporting policy outreach, communications, fundraising, and project development.

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Programs Associate

Ayda Lulseged

Ayda Lulseged is a Program Associate on IPA's Peace & Recovery team, where she supports oversight of P&R's portfolio of funded projects and contributes to policy dissemination.

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Program Director

Ricardo Morel

Ricardo is the Program Director for IPA's Peace & Recovery Program. He previously served as Country Director for IPA's Myanmar country office, managing IPA’s projects in Myanmar and leading the development of new research opportunities.

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Associate Program Director

Nessa Kenny

Nessa manages the Peace & Recovery Program's competitive research fund and supports the program's policy outreach, project development, communications, and fund development activities.

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Senior Program Associate, Peace & Recovery

Caroline Lawton

Caroline Lawton is a Senior Program Associate on IPA's Peace & Recovery team supporting policy outreach, communications, fundraising, and project development.

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Programs Associate

Ayda Lulseged

Ayda Lulseged is a Program Associate on IPA's Peace & Recovery team, where she supports oversight of P&R's portfolio of funded projects and contributes to policy dissemination.

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