Ayda Lulseged

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Ayda Lulseged

Program Associate

Bio Info

Ayda Lulseged is a Program Associate on IPA's Peace & Recovery team, where she supports oversight of P&R's portfolio of funded projects and contributes to policy dissemination. Prior to IPA, she held frontline and management roles in nonprofits serving vulnerable individuals, including immigrants and human trafficking survivors. She also held research assistant roles on impact evaluations related to migrant labor, early education, and public welfare programs. Ayda holds a Master of International Law and Diplomacy from The Fletcher School at Tufts University and a BA in Political Science from Tufts University.

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Staff Department
People of IPA Slider Intro
Ayda Lulseged is a Program Associate on IPA's Peace & Recovery team, where she supports oversight of P&R's portfolio of funded projects and contributes to policy dissemination.
People of IPA Slider Position
Programs Associate