Dimensions of Conflict in Pastoral East Africa: Livestock Insurance and Its Conflict-Mitigating Potential

Dimensions of Conflict in Pastoral East Africa: Livestock Insurance and Its Conflict-Mitigating Potential

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Insufficient resources to cope with the negative effects of weather shocks can lead people to migration, theft, and land seizures, which in turn can trigger social unrest and conflict. To combat this, policymakers often promote insurance against weather shocks, but there is little evidence of the extent to which they can help avoid conflicts and cope with climate shocks. To try to fill this gap, researchers received pilot funding to design a randomized evaluation of the Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI), that is offered to pastoralists in Ethiopia and Kenya. The evaluation will study whether this insurance can help mitigate the negative effects of weather shocks, both stand-alone and when insurance is jointly implemented with a conflict-mitigating intervention.