Peace & Recovery

Peace & Recovery

Most of the world’s poor live in fragile states, yet rigorous evidence on how to build peace and stability in conflict and crisis-affected contexts is still limited.

IPA’s Peace & Recovery Program (P&R) supports field experiments and related research in several broad areas:
  • Understanding and preventing individual-level participation in violence 
  • Understanding, combating, and reintegrating armed groups 
  • Addressing prejudice and building horizontal social cohesion 
  • Strengthening household and community resilience 
  • Building institutions, resolving disputes, and delivering justice 
  • Addressing root causes and preventing future crises
The Initiative prioritizes studies that develop, illustrate, or test fundamental theories of peace, violence, and recovery, especially those that challenge common beliefs, pioneer innovative interventions, and produce evidence where little currently exists. We support projects intended to inform policies and programs related to the prevention of, responses to, and recovery from most forms of social and political violence as well as humanitarian emergencies. More >>