Protecting Against Exploitation for Asylum Seekers and Refugees: The Impact of Information Provision in Greece

Protecting Against Exploitation for Asylum Seekers and Refugees: The Impact of Information Provision in Greece

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An aerial view of Athens ©2003 Alexandra Hartman

An aerial view of Athens. © 2003 Marine Casalis

Funded by IPA's Human Trafficking Research Initiative (HTRI) and in collaboration with UNHCR, researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to assess the impact of information in reducing the risk of trafficking among forced migrants residing in Greece.

People who flee their place of habitual residence are at high risk of human trafficking and abuse, particularly while they seek legal status in their country of asylum (ICMPD 2018). There are currently 95,000 refugees and asylum seekers in Greece, where traffickers conduct transit and in-country operations (A21 2020). How does raising awareness about access to services and information reduce refugees' and asylum seekers' vulnerability to exploitation? What factors shape whether improving access to information can reduce vulnerability?

Funded by HTRI and in collaboration with UNHCR, researchers conducted a randomized evaluation to assess the impact of information in reducing risk of trafficking among forced migrants residing in Greece. The program enables participants to ask questions and receive guidance from partners of International Rescue Committee (IRC) Hellas via social media and mobile messaging apps. A total of 3,000 migrants were randomly assigned to either receive personalized information counseling, generic information via a website link, or serve as a comparison group. Results will inform optimal and cost-efficient mechanisms in providing information to support and protect vulnerable and mobile populations.

Results are forthcoming.

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CB30 Flex Block
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University College London
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ETH Zurich - Immigration Policy Lab (IPL)
IRC Logo
International Rescue Committee (IRC) Hellas/Greece
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Greece