Elisabeth King

Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Associate Professor
New York University
Elisabeth King is Associate Professor of International Education and Politics at New York University. She studies issues related to conflict, peacebuilding and development, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Using a range of research methods from in-depth qualitative research, to surveys and field experiments, her recent projects examine how education, youth programs, and community-driven development interventions really work (or not) for people in the global South. She is author of From Classrooms to Conflict in Rwanda (Cambridge University Press, 2014). Other recent work has appeared in World Development, Third World Quarterly and African Studies Review.
King holds a PhD in political science from the University of Toronto. She was previously a postdoctoral research fellow at Columbia University’s Earth Institute and Center for the Study of Development Strategies and a fellow at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. She has also consulted for such organizations as UNICEF, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Centre for International Governance Innovation.