Mexico overview

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In this Image An IPA Country Officer meeting Mexican police while doing field work. © 2022 IPA
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Address: Av Chapultepec 360-Piso 1 Roma, Cuauhtémoc, 06700 Ciudad de México
Phone: +52 55 9419 0139

In accordance with Mexican law, IPA's Anti-Trafficking Compliance Plan for Violence Prevention and Reduction in Mexico is available here.

Features Section Title
Research Findings

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Repeater Feature Title
The Effects of Procedural Justice Training for Police Officers in Mexico City

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Public insecurity and widespread mistrust of police among citizens is associated with decreased police legitimacy, which has negative consequences for effective policing. Research has demonstrated that when police officers interact with citizens following principles of procedural justice, citizens leave those interactions—even contentious ones—with an increased perception of trust in the police, which enhances legitimacy and efficacy. The question remains, however, as to how a police force can institutionalize procedural justice as an organizational capability. In this study, researchers worked with the Ministry of Public Security of Mexico City to evaluate the impact of a procedural justice training for police officers. Preliminary results suggest that the training had significant positive impacts on how individual police officers perceived and practiced the principles of procedural justice. They also help reveal the specific mechanisms through which the training achieved its effects, thus providing important insights into likely avenues for effective police reform.  

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Repeater Feature Title
Redesigning Payments for Ecosystem Services in Mexico to Increase Cost-Effectiveness

Repeater Content Feature

Deforestation is the second largest human source of carbon dioxide emissions. Mexico has a "payments for ecosystem services" (PES) program to provide economic incentives to landowners to minimize deforestation, but budget cuts have been recurring over the past years. Researchers are conducting a pilot study in one municipality of Selva Lacandona (Chiapas)  to find ways to improve the cost-effectiveness of the program.

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Repeater Feature Title
Demand for an Entrepreneurship Training: Experimental Evidence from Mexico

Repeater Content Feature

Recent studies have shown that a psychology-based entrepreneurial mindset training can have promising effects on business outcomes, but there is little evidence on how to improve the financial sustainability of these programs. Researchers are evaluating the effects of an entrepreneurial mindset training paired with business training on firm outcomes for female entrepreneurs in Mexico. They are also investigating the demand for training programs and examining whether the returns to training change depending on how much an entrepreneur is willing to pay.

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Policy Impact

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Procedural Justice


An IPA evaluation found that a procedural justice training improved trust in and interactions with police. IPA Mexico is working with state and municipal governments to help their police departments integrate the training into their policies.

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Our Team


Our Team

Country Director, Mexico

Odette Gonzalez Carrillo

“For a long time, I have been trying to push the use of evidence to inform decisions in the government and other places.”

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Senior Research Manager

Alina Bitran

Alina is a Senior Research Manager in the Mexico City office, where she leads projects related to the organizational design of police corporations and police-citizen relations.

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Research Manager

Enrique Fernandez

Enrique is a Research Manager at the IPA Mexico. Before joining IPA, Enrique worked as an environmental economist for the UNDP and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in Mexico.

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Associate Research Manager

Alonso Gutierrez

Alonso is an Associate Research Manager at the IPA Mexico. Before joining IPA, Alonso worked as a consultant for both local and international organizations, conducting research and collaborating in process and impact evaluations.

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Associate Research Manager

Laura Lahoz

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Associate Research Manager

Maria Lourdes Gonzalez

Lourdes is an Associate Research Manager at IPA Mexico, supervising operational models to increase alternative justice resolutions by state-level prosecutors.

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Policy Manager

Juan Salgado Ibarra

Juan is a Policy Manager at IPA Mexico. He is responsible for evaluating a program on judicially approved communication interventions by investigative police officers in Mexican General Attorney offices.

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Field Manager

Edgar Arredondo

Edgar Arredondo is currently a Field Manager at IPA Mexco. He a holds degree in Sociology from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and with a specialty in Public Security.

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Field Manager

Mariana Elizabeth Campos Saucedo

Mariana Elizabeth is an anthropologist with a passion for qualitative studies.

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Applied Research & Methods (ARM) Group Staff | Senior Research Analyst

Manuel Cardona

Manuel Cardona serves as Senior Research Analyst for IPA's Poverty Measurement Program.

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Research Associate

Ana Cedillo

Ana is a Research Associate in the Mexico City office, working on projects related to the learning processes of police organizations.

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Research Coordinator

Alexis Cherem Maus

lexis is a Research Coordinator in the Mexico City office, where she leads projects related to Procedural Justice and crime prevention. Alexis studied Political Science and International Relations at ITAM University.

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Research Associate

Lissandra Ellyne

Lissandra specializes in survey design and quantitative research methods for social science research. Her interests involve using surveys, econometrics, and experiments to improve the quality of information used to design and assess public policies.

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Country Director, Mexico

Odette Gonzalez Carrillo

“For a long time, I have been trying to push the use of evidence to inform decisions in the government and other places.”

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Senior Research Manager

Alina Bitran

Alina is a Senior Research Manager in the Mexico City office, where she leads projects related to the organizational design of police corporations and police-citizen relations.

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Research Manager

Enrique Fernandez

Enrique is a Research Manager at the IPA Mexico. Before joining IPA, Enrique worked as an environmental economist for the UNDP and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in Mexico.

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Associate Research Manager

Alonso Gutierrez

Alonso is an Associate Research Manager at the IPA Mexico. Before joining IPA, Alonso worked as a consultant for both local and international organizations, conducting research and collaborating in process and impact evaluations.

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Associate Research Manager

Laura Lahoz

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Associate Research Manager

Maria Lourdes Gonzalez

Lourdes is an Associate Research Manager at IPA Mexico, supervising operational models to increase alternative justice resolutions by state-level prosecutors.

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Policy Manager

Juan Salgado Ibarra

Juan is a Policy Manager at IPA Mexico. He is responsible for evaluating a program on judicially approved communication interventions by investigative police officers in Mexican General Attorney offices.

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Field Manager

Edgar Arredondo

Edgar Arredondo is currently a Field Manager at IPA Mexco. He a holds degree in Sociology from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and with a specialty in Public Security.

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Field Manager

Mariana Elizabeth Campos Saucedo

Mariana Elizabeth is an anthropologist with a passion for qualitative studies.

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Applied Research & Methods (ARM) Group Staff | Senior Research Analyst

Manuel Cardona

Manuel Cardona serves as Senior Research Analyst for IPA's Poverty Measurement Program.

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Research Associate

Ana Cedillo

Ana is a Research Associate in the Mexico City office, working on projects related to the learning processes of police organizations.

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Research Coordinator

Alexis Cherem Maus

lexis is a Research Coordinator in the Mexico City office, where she leads projects related to Procedural Justice and crime prevention. Alexis studied Political Science and International Relations at ITAM University.

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Research Associate

Lissandra Ellyne

Lissandra specializes in survey design and quantitative research methods for social science research. Her interests involve using surveys, econometrics, and experiments to improve the quality of information used to design and assess public policies.

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