Improving Health Services to Prevent Homicides in Colombia

Improving Health Services to Prevent Homicides in Colombia

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Funded by IPA’s Peace & Recovery program, researchers will conduct a pilot evaluation in Colombia to measure whether increasingly sophisticated healthcare services reduce the likelihood that an attempted homicide becomes a homicide at the national level. They will also conduct an in-depth case study of Cali, one of the world's most violent cities.

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Victims of violent crime face numerous challenges that affect their survival rates. These challenges include the quality of prehospital care received, the type of transportation used, the capacity of health facilities to which victims are taken, and the availability of human and technical resources at those facilities, among other factors. In contexts characterized by severe resource constraints, these challenges may adversely impact the survival rates of trauma victims in areas experiencing chronically high rates of violent crime. Improvements to the quality and coverage of healthcare services and pre-hospital care for victims of violent crime may help to reduce homicides. 

Funded by IPA’s Peace & Recovery program, researchers will conduct a pilot evaluation in Colombia to measure whether increasingly sophisticated healthcare services reduce the likelihood that an attempted homicide becomes a homicide at the national level. In addition, researchers will conduct an in-depth case study of Cali, one of the world's most violent cities.

Results will be available later in 2024.