Application Instructions | Displaced Livelihoods Initiative | IPA Call for Proposals

Application Instructions | Displaced Livelihoods Initiative | IPA Call for Proposals

Template G Content Blocks
CB30 Flex Block
Sub Editor

Those interested in applying are asked to first read the initiative’s Call for Proposals. DLI’s fourth call for proposals is now open. DLI’s Fourth Call for Proposals is now closed. Awards will be announced in April 2025.

The Application Instructions provide a comprehensive overview of the requirements and instructions to apply. As the Application Instructions cover in further detail, the following materials are required for submissions:

  • Cover sheet and narrative
  1. Template for pilot, full study, and infrastructure and public goods creation projects
  2. Template for scaling support projects
  3. Template for exploratory grants
  • Budget template
  • Letter(s) of support (if applicable)
  • Power calculations (full studies only)

Please reach out to with any questions.