Zachary Isdahl

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Zachary Isdahl

Zachary Isdahl

Deputy Regional Director, East Africa & Asia

Bio Info

Zachary Isdahl is an experienced strategist, relationship builder, and team leader, with over 15 years of senior-level international experience primarily in East and Southern Africa. Prior to joining IPA, he spent eight years as the South Africa Program Director for the University of California, San Francisco, where he led the organization's national engagement, strategy, and portfolio of programs and research. He has also served as a Technical Officer for the International Labour Organization in Geneva and as a Project Director for the World Bank in Tanzania. Zachary holds an MBA from the University of Geneva in Switzerland, with a specialization in international organizations, and a BS from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA).

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People of IPA Slider Intro
Zachary Isdahl is an experienced strategist, relationship builder, and team leader, with over 15 years of senior-level international experience primarily in East and Southern Africa.
People of IPA Slider Position
Deputy Regional Director, East Africa & Asia