Walker Higgins

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Walker Higgins

Walker Higgins

Director, Business and Program Development

Bio Info

Walker Higgins is a Director of Business and Program Development at IPA. He previously served as Country Director of IPA's Liberia and Sierra Leone offices. In this role, he was responsible for overseeing all country program projects and staff, along with developing and implementing country program strategies and research and policy agendas. Prior to that, he served as a Research Manager for IPA Liberia and Country Manager for IPA Sierra Leone & Liberia. Before joining IPA, he worked on projects with Babban Gona, a Nigerian agricultural social enterprise, the Earth Institute in Colombia, the Akshaya Patra Foundation, and the Fund for Global Health. He received his MPA in Development Practice from Columbia University and a BS in Economics from the University of Washington.

Read an interview with Walker as part of "People of IPA," a series of profiles celebrating IPA’s diverse staff, highlighting their contributions, and discussing how and why they seek to improve the lives of those living in poverty.

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Staff Department
People of IPA Slider Intro
“IPA feels very much like a small organization, in that everyone is asked to wear many different hats and flex different intellectual muscles.”
People of IPA Slider Position
Director, Business and Program Development