Stephen Gray

Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Director, Right-Fit Evidence
Stephen is a Director in IPA’s Right-Fit Evidence Unit, supporting clients with learning systems for better impact. Previously he was Director of Adapt Peacebuilding, where he oversaw programs, consultancy, and research on peace and conflict, development in conflict-affected areas, political inclusion, and complexity-aware monitoring, evaluation, and learning. Stephen has lived and worked in 20 countries since 2007 for various NGOs, governments, UN agencies, and academic institutions. Stephen is a political sociologist, specializing in qualitative and participatory research methods. He holds an MIA from Columbia University, a BSc from Otago University, and will soon complete his PhD in International Development from IDS at the University of Sussex.