IPA Trains Ghana Education Service in Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel

Since 2021, IPA has been providing technical assistance to Ghana Education Service to scale the evidence-based Differentiated Learning (DL) program in schools under the Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcomes Project (GALOP) and UNICEF-supported districts. IPA Ghana’s Right-Fit Evidence (RFE) Unit has supported GES staff in enhancing data analysis skills using Microsoft Excel and in creating/revising tools to facilitate decision-making in DL implementation. The curriculum focused on capacity building in data cleaning, analysis, and visualization, as well as the creation/revision of data collection tools on Google Forms. Overall, the objective was to empower GES staff in proficiently using Excel to analyze DL monitoring and implementation data, promoting informed decision-making in GES. Seven GES staff have benefited from this training.
On November 17, 2023, a closing session of the Microsoft Excel training was conducted at the IPA Ghana office in Accra to highlight the achievements of the program, particularly how GES can leverage the enhanced data analysis skills of the trainees. After the program, the trainees are now adept at data cleaning, analysis, and presentation using visualization techniques, including Excel dashboards. They successfully demonstrated these skills during the recent GES DL teacher training, where they analyzed and evaluated the data collected during the teacher training in the 50 new districts supported by UNICEF.