Building Capacity for the Supreme Court of The Philippines to Use Data for Judicial Reform

Building Capacity for the Supreme Court of The Philippines to Use Data for Judicial Reform

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The Bayleaf Intramuros | M&E Workshop with SC | Credit: IPA Philippines, 2023
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The Bayleaf Intramuros | M&E Workshop with SC | Credit: IPA Philippines, 2023
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The Supreme Court of the Philippines (SC) has made significant strides to improve the judicial system through program innovations and reforms such as the eCourts system, Revised Continuous Trial Guidelines of Criminal Cases, and Small Claims Procedures. To further achieve the Supreme Court’s goals on court decongestion and a data and technology-driven Judiciary, enhancing strategies for data-based evaluations and policies can contribute to improve court operations nationwide.

Through the Data Hub - a joint project with the Supreme Court – IPA is working with the Project Management Office of the Supreme Court to engage and provide technical support to Supreme Court offices, such as the Office of the Court Administrator, Court Management Office, Statistical Reports Division, and the Management Information Systems Office, to strengthen their capacity in leveraging data to inform judicial policy reform programs. This is done by designing and implementing M&E systems, building internal capacities, and equipping policymakers with tools and methods for rigorous data analysis. This way, the Data Hub contributes to the Strategic Plan for Judicial Innovation, SC’s plan of action to achieve an efficient, accessible, and innovative judiciary.

In setting up the Data Hub, IPA conducted a needs assessment with relevant SC offices to tailor the technical support and activities that would be provided. Using the key findings from the assessment, a series of workshops on M&E were conducted on theory of change and data use plans. Moving forward, IPA will continue providing technical assistance to SC offices and will co-create a research agenda that aligns with SC’s priorities.

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