Behavioural Change Communications (BCC) Research on How Communities are Dealing with COVID-19, Gaps in Knowledge, and How to Gear Communities to Support the National Fight Against the Crisis

Behavioural Change Communications (BCC) Research on How Communities are Dealing with COVID-19, Gaps in Knowledge, and How to Gear Communities to Support the National Fight Against the Crisis

Template G Content Blocks
Sub Editor


Shahaduz ZamanSumon RahmanMehnaz Rabbani


As the onslaught of COVID-19 is expected to worsen in the coming weeks and months in Bangladesh, the citizenry is taking preparations in various capacities. However, as everything is happening very fast, there has not been enough time to mobilize resources, and one key gap is observed in the area of targeted, customised communications that takes into account local realities and customs. Any successful communication strategy takes into account the various needs of their target groups and builds on the sociocultural characteristics of specific target groups. And successful mitigation of the COVID-19 pandemic crucially depends on effective communication with the wider public. Our research will help develop a nuanced understanding about the target group that, we hope, will help improve COVID-19 related communication efficiency. The findings from this research will be presented to the Communications Working Group of the Government, leading social communication firms and BRAC so that they can tailor their next round of social communications more effectively. The study will directly help the immediate communication materials of government and non-government entities.

Project Outcomes of Interest

1) What are the mobility patterns – use of time, space – in the context of national messaging around social distancing, quarantine, and isolation?; 2) What are the prevailing interpretations of the COVID-19 related messages?; 3) What is the popular misinformation floating around?; 4) What does the “circle of information trust” look like? Whose information do they trust and why?; 5) What kind of information do they want to know more about? What messages from the government are they not clear about or unsure of?; 6) What suggestions do they have in terms of making communications more effective and targeted so that they hit home?


BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD)

Link to Results

Link to preliminary results

Impact Goals

  • Improve social-safety net responses
  • Improve women’s health, safety, and economic empowerment
  • Keep children safe, healthy, and learning
  • Promote peace and safety, and improve humanitarian response

Implementing Organization

BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD)

Results Status
