RECOVR Research Projects

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This page lists research projects that are being developed by IPA and others. Our goal is to document active studies taking place on COVID-19’s socio-economic impacts—and results, as they come in—in order to inform researchers and decision-makers working to mitigate the crisis. As this is a public good, the hub contains both IPA and non-IPA studies. Inclusion criteria for the hub can be found here, and new projects and questionnaires can be submitted here.

Contributing Partners

60 Decibels
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
BRAC Institute of Governance & Development
Center for Effective Global Action
Center for Global Development
Global Poverty Research Lab
International Growth Centre
Yale Research Initiative on Innovative & Scale


COVID-19-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Among Decision-makers in Indigenous Municipalities of Guatemala

<p>Indigenous communities are often socially and economically marginalized which makes them particularly vulnerable to the impact of COVID-19.The Population Council has a longstanding partnership with indigenous communities in Guatemala through the Abriendo Oportunidades (AO) program.To understand the knowledge, perspectives, and needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will conduct key informant interviews with indigenous community leaders and frontline workers.Phone-based surveys will be carried out with 144 key informants in the municipalities of Chisec, Patzún, San Andrés Semetabaj, San Juan Ostuncalco, San Juan Sacatepéquez, San Pedro Carchá, Santa María Chiquimula, Totonicapán, Uspantán and Sololá in April 2020.</p>
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Country Guatemala
Program Area Health & Nutrition

Descriptive / Surveillance

Listening to the Citizens of Uzbekistan

<p>In early 2017, the Government of Uzbekistan announced a radical shift toward liberalizing national economic, social, and political policy.The rapid pace of reforms posed unique challenges.Partners began aggressively tackling issues that had major implications for well-being – including for instance forced labor, trade policy, and exchange rate unification – while the capacity to measure effects and public support was limited.The Listening to the Citizens of Uzbekistan (L2CU) project was a rapid and adaptive response to these needs.Together with partners, the World Bank launched a comprehensive and nationally representative in-person household well-being survey in 2018.</p>
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Country Uzbekistan

Descriptive / Surveillance

Listening to Tajikistan

<p>Listening to Tajikistan is a nationally representative monthly panel survey of 1300 households.In its 5th year, the survey has collected data over more than 60 rounds.The survey covers shocks, employment, and both monetary and non-monetary dimensions of well-being.&nbsp;An additional COVID-19 specific module has been added to the survey.</p>
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Country Tajikistan

Descriptive / Surveillance