RECOVR Research Projects

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This page lists research projects that are being developed by IPA and others. Our goal is to document active studies taking place on COVID-19’s socio-economic impacts—and results, as they come in—in order to inform researchers and decision-makers working to mitigate the crisis. As this is a public good, the hub contains both IPA and non-IPA studies. Inclusion criteria for the hub can be found here, and new projects and questionnaires can be submitted here.

Contributing Partners

60 Decibels
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
BRAC Institute of Governance & Development
Center for Effective Global Action
Center for Global Development
Global Poverty Research Lab
International Growth Centre
Yale Research Initiative on Innovative & Scale


COVID-19: Special Survey on Parent-Child Preferences and Secondary School Choice

<p>COVID-19 is likely to differentially impact educational access in low-income countries.First, this study provides high-frequency descriptive data on schooling attitudes, home environment, and at-home learning for a representative sample of Busia County 8th Graders.Researchers conducted a phone survey of 2,973 8th grade students and their parents from 198 schools across Busia County.This is a key age group, as 8th grade marks the transition from primary to secondary school.Students already face barriers transitioning to secondary school due to the high fees, difficult application process, appeal of outside work, and possibility of teen pregnancy.</p>
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Country Kenya
Program Area Education

Randomized Evaluation

Resilience to Economic Shocks Through Continued Electricity Access: Evidence from Kenya

<p>As COVID-19 spreads in lower-income countries, electricity access will be critical for households and firms to continue productive activities, maintain economic connections, and stay up-to-date on the latest public health guidelines.Meanwhile, public health restrictions may cause severe economic impacts, particularly in the poorest areas.We are providing emergency electricity credits to low-income respondents in Kenya to study the impacts of a utility bill subsidy during this crisis.&nbsp; Our research leverages two ongoing projects on electricity access in 7 counties in rural Kenya.</p>
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Impacts of COVID-19 on Pastoralists in Kenya

<p>This project uses a crowdsourcing platform to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 virus and its accompanying economic effects on pastoralist populations.We rely on a network of pastoralists in the arid counties of Kenya who have firsthand knowledge of economic and health conditions in the regions we are studying.These contributors complete surveys on a daily or weekly basis.Survey topics include livestock and commodity prices, household health, and government support.Our contributor network began submitting surveys about two months before the first case of COVID-19 in Kenya.</p>
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Country Kenya

Descriptive / Surveillance