RECOVR Research Projects

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This page lists research projects that are being developed by IPA and others. Our goal is to document active studies taking place on COVID-19’s socio-economic impacts—and results, as they come in—in order to inform researchers and decision-makers working to mitigate the crisis. As this is a public good, the hub contains both IPA and non-IPA studies. Inclusion criteria for the hub can be found here, and new projects and questionnaires can be submitted here.

Contributing Partners

60 Decibels
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
BRAC Institute of Governance & Development
Center for Effective Global Action
Center for Global Development
Global Poverty Research Lab
International Growth Centre
Yale Research Initiative on Innovative & Scale


Can Development Aid Change Attitudes Toward Refugees? Experimental Evidence from Urban Microentrepreneurs in Uganda

<p>Host populations often believe they are negatively affected by refugees, but little is known about what kinds of assistance might foster positive relations and reduce tension.</p>
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Country Uganda
Program Area Peace & Recovery

Randomized Evaluation

The Impact of a Quiz-Style Information Campaign on COVID-19 Prevention in Ghana

<p>As of January 2021, COVID-19 has infected approximately 85.2 million people and killed more than 1.84 million people worldwide.Given the importance of individual behavior change in containing the spread of a pandemic, individuals must learn, trust, and apply various recommended health behaviors.In Ghana, researchers are measuring the impact of a quiz-style information strategy on people’s learning and adherence to COVID-19 health protocols.</p>
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Country Ghana
Program Area Health & Nutrition

Randomized Evaluation

The Impacts of the Ingreso Solidario program to confront the Covid-19 crisis in Colombia

<p>How do cash transfers support newly-designated vulnerable populations and informal workers during an economic crisis? To help answer these questions, researchers studied&nbsp; the effect of Ingreso Solidario (Solidarity Income), a new unconditional cash transfer in Colombia that was launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Ingreso Solidario will assist over 3 million&nbsp;lower middle-income households that were not previously enrolled in other existing social assistance programs, thereby expanding social protection coverage to lower middle-income populations.</p>
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Country Colombia

Quasi-experimental Analysis