RECOVR Research Projects

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This page lists research projects that are being developed by IPA and others. Our goal is to document active studies taking place on COVID-19’s socio-economic impacts—and results, as they come in—in order to inform researchers and decision-makers working to mitigate the crisis. As this is a public good, the hub contains both IPA and non-IPA studies. Inclusion criteria for the hub can be found here, and new projects and questionnaires can be submitted here.

Contributing Partners

60 Decibels
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
BRAC Institute of Governance & Development
Center for Effective Global Action
Center for Global Development
Global Poverty Research Lab
International Growth Centre
Yale Research Initiative on Innovative & Scale


Interactive Radio Instruction for Rural Preschool Children in the Context of Distance Learning

<p>Due to social distancing measures and school closures—and given the challenge to reach rural students—the Ministry of Education of Peru developed Aprendo en Casa (AeC), a multi-platform remote education strategy.Results of a survey aimed at monitoring its take-up suggest that less than half of homes that access AeC through radio are satisfied with it, and nearly half of parents report they require more support in order to help their children.In this context, IPA will implement and evaluate a program&nbsp;aimed at rural preschool children that uses interactive radio instruction methodology to improve pre Mathematics skills.</p>
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Country Peru
Program Area Education

Randomized Evaluation

COVID-19-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in the Province of Aceh, Indonesia

<p>The COVID-19 pandemic shapes the lives of people around the globe - at the same time, people themselves have the power to shape the pandemic.By employing protective health behavior, such as social distancing, hygiene, mask wearing, and appropriate actions when infected, the population can contribute to alleviating the severity of an outbreak.This may be of particular importance whenever health systems or populations are vulnerable to shocks, as is frequently the case in low- and middle-income settings.Therefore, understanding the underlying drivers of protective health behavior against COVID-19 is urgently needed to shape policy responses.</p>
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Country Indonesia
Program Area Health & Nutrition

Descriptive / Surveillance

Public Health, Trust and Vulnerability: The Case of COVID-19 in Pakistan

<p>To estimate whether differences in response to the pandemic are driven by trust in security services, researchers will examine the downstream effects of a community policing initiative through two waves of a mobile-phone survey.They will leverage a recent community policing RCT that created opportunities for positive interactions with police officers through community-police forums held regularly in some areas but not others.</p>
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Country Pakistan
Program Area Peace & Recovery

Randomized Evaluation