Webinar Series | Best Bets in the Philippines

Webinar Series | Best Bets in the Philippines

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In November 2023, IPA launched the Best Bets: Emerging Opportunities for Impact at Scale report. The report showcases fourteen innovations that IPA’s sector experts and scientific advisors believe hold the most promise for making an impact at scale, but require additional investment to advance along the path to scale.

IPA Philippines has chosen four Best Bets that are highly relevant in the Philippines: (i) teacher coaching to improve student learning, (ii) digital payments to improve financial health, (iii) payment for ecosystem services to reduce deforestation and protect the environment, and (iv) cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce crime. Through a series of webinars starting in November 2024, we will dig deeper into each of these Best Bets, explore their applicability in the Philippines together with key players in these respective fields from academia, government, and civil society organizations. The webinar series will provide a platform to explore opportunities for further research and collaboration. Each webinar will follow a similar program:

Time Item Description
15:00 Welcome Remarks  
15:05 Presentation of Best Bets A presentation from IPA on the evidence available about the specific Best Bets.
15:15 Commentary on Best Bet A commentary segment on perspectives and experiences working on the specific Best Bets by discussants from the government, academe, and service providers.
15:40 Moderated Q&A A question and answer portion to be given by the audience and to be answered by the discussants and IPA representatives.
15:55 Presenting Project Development Efforts of IPA Philippines A wrap-up from IPA on collaboration opportunities for the specific Best Bets.


The first webinar in this series will cover the first Best Bets topic, "Teacher Coaching to Improve Student Learning," and will take place on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 3:00 PM Philippines (7:00 AM GMT) via Zoom. If you would like to attend this webinar, you may register here. Please see further details about this webinar below. Details are forthcoming on the subsequent webinars in this series.

Webinar Series | Best Bets in the Philippines | Webinar #1: Teacher Coaching to Improve Student Learning

Despite progress in increasing school enrollment in the Philippines, improving learning outcomes remains a critical issue. A 2023 World Bank report revealed that 9 of 10 Filipino children aged ten find it difficult to read and understand a simple age-appropriate text, reflecting challenges posed by ineffective teaching practices.1 In IPA’s Best Bets report, global evidence has shown that teacher coaching, in which dedicated educational professionals or “teacher coaches” provide training, advice, and feedback to in-service teachers, is an effective intervention that has the potential to increase student learning.

On November 21st, IPA Philippines will host the first of its four-part Best Bet Webinar Series, diving into the emerging evidence on teacher coaching to improve student learning outcomes. Join us for an in-depth discussion on teacher development programs in the Philippines with our panel from the Department of Education, Teach for the Philippines, and Teacher Education Council.

IPA Philippines is honored to guide this discussion and join forces to identify concrete collaboration opportunities to build a stronger evidence base for teacher coaching. Register here to join the event. We look forward to seeing you on November 21st!

1 Afkar, R., Beteille, T., Breeding, M., Linden, T., Mattoo, A., Pfutze, T., Sondergaard, L., & Yarrow, N. (2023). Fixing the Foundation: Teachers and Basic Education in East Asia and Pacific. World Bank Publications.