Rapid Feedback for the Government of India on COVID-19 Knowledge, Behavior Change, and Economic Effects

Rapid Feedback for the Government of India on COVID-19 Knowledge, Behavior Change, and Economic Effects

Template G Content Blocks
Sub Editor


Divya Nair, Krishanu Chakraborty


India is vulnerable to both the health and economic impacts of COVID-19. To contain the spread of COVID-19, Prime Minister Modi announced a nationwide lockdown on March 24. To help alleviate hardships to the poor, the central government also announced a US$23 billion relief package and various state governments have announced relief measures. There is an urgent need to monitor the implementation of these programs at a large-scale to ensure rapid course-corrections, ground-level feedback, and targeted resource allocation to geographies and populations that are most in need. IDinsight’s Data on Demand team is collecting data from 27 of the poorest districts (NITI mentored Aspirational Districts) across eight states in India. We are collecting data on COVID-related awareness, health practices, economic impacts, migration, consumption patterns, and more. Our plan is to conduct four rounds of data collection from April to July 2020 with district-level representativeness to monitor changes over time and inform actions of government and civil society. We are targeting 50 percent female respondents.

Project Outcomes of Interest

COVID-related awareness, health practices, economic impacts, migration, consumption patterns, and more


IDInsightNITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog, other officials at the national and state levels

Link to Results

Blog post on findings is available here.

Impact Goals

  • Build resilience and protect the financial health of families and individuals
  • Improve social-safety net responses
  • Reduce COVID-19 transmission rates

Implementing Organization


Results Status
