Mallory Holding

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Mallory Holding

Mallory Holding

Manager, Right-Fit Evidence

Bio Info

Mallory Holding is working with IPA's Right-Fit Evidence Unit in Uganda, where she will be supporting the monitoring, evaluation and learning activities of several NGOs working on early childhood development interventions. Mallory has been working in Uganda since 2016, where she led a national randomized controlled trial of a road safety initiative for the Georgetown University Initiative on Innovation, Development and Evaluation (gui2de). She also comes with experience working on gender integration, digital financial inclusion, and international trade. In addition to Uganda, she has experience working in Lao PDR and Haiti. Mallory holds an MA in International Development Policy from the McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University as well as a BA in Political Science and a Bachelor of International Studies from Miami University.

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People of IPA Slider Intro
Mallory Holding is working with IPA's Right-Fit Evidence Unit in Uganda, where she will be supporting the monitoring, evaluation and learning activities of several NGOs working on early childhood development interventions. 
People of IPA Slider Position
Manager, Right-Fit Evidence