Kyu Khin Gar

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Kyu Khin Gar

Kyu Khin Gar

Deputy Country Director, Tanzania

Bio Info

Kyu Khin Gar is the Deputy Country Director at IPA Tanzania and leads a portfolio of research projects, spanning multiple sectors and regions. He worked as a Research Coordinator at IPA Myanmar where he supervised all phases of research implementation on projects involving agricultural value chains, COVID-19 responses, gender-based violence, and social cohesion. Kyu also has several years of experience working with the Ministry of Planning, Finance, and Industry (MOPFI) in Myanmar. He holds a Ph.D. in Development Policy from the Korea Development Institute (KDI) School of Public Policy and Management.

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Kyu Khin
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People of IPA Slider Intro
Kyu Khin Gar is the Deputy Country Director at IPA Tanzania and leads a portfolio of research projects, spanning multiple sectors and regions.
People of IPA Slider Position
Applied Research & Methods (ARM) Group Affiliate | Deputy Country Director, Tanzania