YIKRI is a social microfinance institution in Burkina Faso, providing microcredit, savings and training services to the most vulnerable. YIKRI (Emergence, in the local language) was founded in 2015 by Entrepreneurs du Mondeby to serve poor and/or excluded microentrepreneurs. This programme, which in April 2016 became a microfinance institution under local law, offers them microloans, savings and training to help them develop an income generating activity and improve their living conditions.
YIKRI operates in neighbourhoods and villages with no infrastructure, such as the very poor outlying areas of Ouagadougou. The population there is growing dramatically, while access to basic social services is very difficult. YIKRI also acts in rural areas, where microfinance services are rare and inaccessible. Entrepreneurs du Monde provides YIKRI with technical and financial support, and guarantees its social mission is adhered to.
Partner Organization Type