Created in 2012, the Youth Employment and Skills Development Project Coordination Unit (PEJEDEC) was established in April 2013 as an Employment Programs Coordination Unit (UCP-EMPLOI) by the Ministry in charge of employment for ensure the fiduciary management of external financing for employment projects and to coordinate the implementation of said projects. In 2015, UCP-EMPLOI was transferred to the BCP-EMPLOI Employment Programs Coordination Office by decree from the Ministry in charge of employment.
The Office for the Coordination of Employment Programs (BCP-EMPLOI) is a structure created by the Ivorian government under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of youth employment. This office ensures the coordination and fiduciary management of projects in accordance with the management procedures of donors and Côte d'Ivoire, the monitoring and evaluation of operational activities, identification and contracting with executing agencies for the implementation. implementation of operational activities, internal/external audit of activities carried out within the framework of projects and the communication and visibility of the various projects implemented for the benefit of young people.
BCP-EMPLOI is responsible for the fiduciary management of three projects, in particular: the Youth Employment and Skills Development Project (PEJEDEC) financed by the World Bank to the tune of CFA F 25 billion, the Debt Reduction and Development Contract (C2D-EMPLOI) financed by the French Development Agency to the tune of 21.8 billion FCFA and the Socio-Economic Reintegration Project for Vulnerable Populations in Western Côte d'Ivoire (PRIZE) financed by the Japanese government through the World Bank at amount of 1 billion 350 million CFA francs.