IPA Presents Evidence on Financial Education and Consumer Protection at CEMLA's XI Conference

IPA Presents Evidence on Financial Education and Consumer Protection at CEMLA's XI Conference

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On November 20-21, the Centro de Estudios Monetarios Lationamericanos (CEMLA) and Banco de México (Mexico's Central Bank) co-hosted the XI Conference of Financial Education and Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event convened representatives from education ministries, treasuries, banking regulators, commercial banks, multilateral organizations, and cooperation organizations in the hemisphere. The conference provided a space to analyze and discuss topics including "Creative and innovative initiatives to provide financial education" and "Technology and digital payments to promote financial inclusion: challenges for financial education and financial consumer protection" among others.
On the first day, IPA's Financial Inclusion Program Director, Rebecca Rouse presented an overview of IPA's Work on Digital Payments and Consumer Protection during the panel on "Digital and Payment Technology to Foment Financial Inclusion: Challenges for Financial Education and Consumer Protection." On day two, IPA founder and Co-Director of the Global Poverty Research Lab at Northwestern University, Prof. Dean Karlan, provided a keynote presentation entitled "Beyond Financial Education—New Research on Financial Health and Consumer Protection" reviewing new avenues to improve consumer choice and financial health. 
For more information, see CEMLA's event page here.


Mexico City

