IPA Myanmar Presents on Maternal Cash Transfer Study at Stakeholder Workshop
On February 19, IPA Myanmar Country Director, Ricardo Morel presented results of a study on maternal and child cash transfers (MCCT) at a stakeholder workshop in Yangon. The workshop was organized by the Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) for government representatives, donors, and partners to discuss approaches to social and behavioral change communication (SBCC), specifically linked to MCCT to contribute to shared learning and collaboration to inform policy and implementation. The event provided an opportunity to review some of the recent evidence from Myanmar which shows the impact that a combined package of MCCT and SBCC can have on nutrition outcomes. LIFT also shared the findings of a collaborative review that looks at the different modalities for SBCC and what the implications are for supporting a sustainable and Government-led approach. The event's presentations, panel, plenary discussions brought together key SBCC and MCCT stakeholders working in support of government-led MCCT-SBCC programs for technical discussions to inform policy and programming.