IPA Co-Hosts "SMEs in Ghana: From Evidence to Action"

IPA Co-Hosts "SMEs in Ghana: From Evidence to Action"

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On September 18, IPA Ghana and the National Board of Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) co-hosted a roundtable on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) entitled “SMEs in Ghana: From Evidence to Action” at The African Regent Hotel in Accra.

The purpose of this event was threefold: to hear from high-level policymakers on the most pressing challenges in the sector, to share policy lessons from rigorous evidence generated on the topic, and to build new relationships that will translate into collaboration across sectors. Representatives from academia, government, the private sector, and international organizations were invited to share their perspectives and experiences.

Rigorous evidence was presented on three topics of critical importance to SMEs in Ghana: access to markets, formalization, and human capital. These presentations were followed by panel discussions with experts in their fields. Invitees shared their experiences and perspectives for an enriching day of learning.


Overview of Barriers, Challenges and Opportunities in the SME Sector in Ghana
Presenter: Ms. Habiba Sumani, Director Women Entrepreneurship Development, NBSSI (slides)

Using Rigorous Evidence to Achieve Impact in SME Development
Presenter:  Dr. Christopher Udry, Professor of Economics Northwestern University (slides)

Improving Access to Markets for SMEs: What We’re Learning
Ms. Madeleen Husselman, Country Director, IPA Ghana (slides)

Combatting the Gender Profit Gap
Dr. Morgan Hardy, Assistant Professor of Economics, New York University Abu Dhabi (slides)

Business Registration in Malawi: An Impact Evaluation
Ms. Kym Cole, Research Manager, IPA Ghana (slides)

Improving Managerial Capital: What We’re Learning
Santiago Sanchez Guiu, Deputy Country Director, IPA Ghana (slides)

Consulting and Capital Experiments with Microenterprise Tailors in Ghana
Dr. Christopher Udry, Professor of Economics, Northwestern University (slides)


Fiesta Royale Hotel



