IPA Côte d’Ivoire Presents on Investing in Young Children
On October 21, Henriette Hanicotte presented IPA's work at the <a href="/sites/default/files/Innovations%20in%20Investing%20in%20Young%20Children%20Globally_agenda.pdf">Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally</a> (iYCG) in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. The workshop was held in partnership with the Jacobs Foundation, the Institute for Human Development, at the Aga Khan University, and the Bernard van Leer Foundation.
The workshop was the ninth and final workshop of the Forum. Speakers explored research on the costs of quality investments in young children; policies and financing that capitalize on existing investments and other contextual advantages; and practices and research that are culturally grounded and developmentally. This workshop also provided an opportunity to highlight the work of innovators from academia, non-governmental organizations, governments, and businesses conducting cutting edge work in these areas. While not traditionally considered “innovative”, long term approaches to investing in young children in West Africa will also be presented. Furthermore, given the unique circumstance of Francophone countries in Africa, the workshop highlighted some of the challenges and barriers to investments in young children in these countries as well as identified examples of research, policies, and practices that overcome these barriers to support young children.
<h2>Address</h2>Hotel Tiama<h2>City</h2>Abidjan<h2>Country</h2>Côte d’Ivoire