More Than Good Intentions: How a New Economics is Helping to Solve Global Poverty
In celebration of the release of their book this Thursday April 14th, authors Dean Karlan and Jacob Appel will be giving away 1 pill for deworming children for each mention of #morethangoodintentions on Twitter (up to 10,000 pills).
School-based deworming is one of the most cost effective methods for raising school attendance. In areas where prevalence is high, worms make children weak and makes them miss days of school. And the more we learn the better deworming keeps sounding, as new research is suggesting long-term impacts of deworming children on cognitive development, and even on wages once those children are grown and entering the labor market.
And the solution is cheap. Just 25 cents can deworm a child, including distribution costs. So follow IPA on Twitter and retweet #morethangoodintentions!