RECOVR Research Projects

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This page lists research projects that are being developed by IPA and others. Our goal is to document active studies taking place on COVID-19’s socio-economic impacts—and results, as they come in—in order to inform researchers and decision-makers working to mitigate the crisis. As this is a public good, the hub contains both IPA and non-IPA studies. Inclusion criteria for the hub can be found here, and new projects and questionnaires can be submitted here.

Contributing Partners

60 Decibels
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
BRAC Institute of Governance & Development
Center for Effective Global Action
Center for Global Development
Global Poverty Research Lab
International Growth Centre
Yale Research Initiative on Innovative & Scale


Towards a Unified Understanding of Social Distancing During the Time of COVID-19 Through an Exploration of Definitions, Coping Mechanisms, Economic Impact, and Unintended Consequences

<p>On March 11, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus (or COVID-19) as a global pandemic.Since then, many governments have introduced guidelines and orders in the hopes of stopping the spread of coronavirus within their country.With people staying indoors and severely limiting their activities, their interpersonal and societal interactions are undergoing significant transformation.However, there has been little documentation and understanding of how individuals are perceiving the crisis and behaving in response.</p>
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Country India Kenya Nigeria
Program Area Health & Nutrition

Descriptive / Surveillance

Women’s Groups and COVID-19: Challenges, Engagement, and Opportunities

<p>This project is comprised of two parts.First, researchers are conducting an evidence review on how women’s groups have functioned under prior economic and health shocks.The evidence synthesis will include both quantitative and qualitative research.The proposed evidence synthesis will consolidate the existing evidence on the ability of women’s groups to cope with negative health and economic shocks in order to inform our understanding of how groups may respond to the economic and health consequences of COVID-19.&nbsp;Second, researchers are&nbsp;documenting the effects of COVID-19 on the implementation and functioning of women's groups&nbsp;in different contexts in India, Nigeria, and Uganda.</p>
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Country India Nigeria Uganda

Qualitative Research