Interactive Radio Instruction for Rural Preschool Children in the Context of Distance Learning
Juan Manuel Hernández-Agramonte, Emma Näslund-Hadley, Carolina Méndez
Due to social distancing measures and school closures—and given the challenge to reach rural students—the Ministry of Education of Peru developed Aprendo en Casa (AeC), a multi-platform remote education strategy. Results of a survey aimed at monitoring its take-up suggest that less than half of homes that access AeC through radio are satisfied with it, and nearly half of parents report they require more support in order to help their children. In this context, IPA will implement and evaluate a program aimed at rural preschool children that uses interactive radio instruction methodology to improve pre Mathematics skills. Based on previous experiences in Paraguay and Panama, a set of Mathematics radio programs will be adapted and broadcasted in national and local stations. A random sample of homes will also receive intensive coaching through phone and SMS, which will provide parents’ with both pedagogical tools and socioemotional support.
Project Outcomes of Interest
Math skills, family well-being
Ministry of Education, Peru; Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Impact Goals
- Keep children safe, healthy, and learning
Project Data Collection Mode
- CATI (Computer-assisted telephone interviewing)
Results Status
No Results Yet