Coronavirus Outbreak, Schooling and Learning: Study on Secondary School Students in Bangladesh

Coronavirus Outbreak, Schooling and Learning: Study on Secondary School Students in Bangladesh

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COVID-19 has disrupted education systems around the world, pushing the majority of children temporarily out of school. With close to 40 million children enrolled in school, Bangladesh is among the countries most affected by a complete shutdown. With all schools closed for a period of at least two months, the immediate challenge for the policymakers therefore is safeguarding learning time and well-being while children remain out of school. Regardless of its impact on household poverty, the Coronavirus pandemic will directly impact learning outcomes by reducing time spent in learning activities, in and out of school. While in-school disruption is universal, out-of-school learning deprivation will vary depending on socio-economic status of the household, access to technology, and parental capabilities. There is likely to be gendered response in terms of children’s learning needs at home as well. If unaddressed, the sudden nationwide shutdown also risks reversing some of the earlier achievements with improved access to education such as close to universal primary school enrolment and attainment of gender parity in secondary education. This project will gather primary data through a multi-respondent survey.

Project Outcomes of Interest

Disruption to learning activities and time allocation, including gender disparity; outreach and uptake of government's technology-driven initiatives; later impact of Coronavirus shock on a range of child outcomes


BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD)

Impact Goals

  • Keep children safe, healthy, and learning

Project Data Collection Mode

  • CATI (Computer-assisted telephone interviewing)

Implementing Organization

BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD)

Results Status

No Results Yet