Sheldon Zhang

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Sheldon Zhang

Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Bio Info

Sheldon Zhang has been active in research on transnational human smuggling and trafficking activities for more than two decades. He has extensive expertise in measurement and survey instrument development. He has also gained much national and international prominence in applying innovative sampling strategies to estimate the prevalence of human trafficking violations in various labor sectors both at home and abroad. His projects have been funded by government agencies and private foundations in the U.S. and abroad. He has written and lectured extensively on issues related to trafficking and smuggling activities in journals such as Criminology, British Journal of Criminology, and Crime, Law and Social Change. He has been twice invited to the White House to participate in national gatherings of policy-makers/advocacy groups/researchers on combatting human trafficking and led in planning and participation in a forum by the National Academy of Sciences on the latest methodologies for estimating the prevalence of modern slavery. He has authored/co-authored 14 books and edited volumes, and more than 120 scholarly journal articles, book chapters and technical reports.

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