Nathanael Goldberg

Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Senior Director, Sector Programs
Nathanael Goldberg oversees all of IPA's sector program teams which provide expertise and leadership to address strategic evidence gaps in key topic areas including Education, Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development, Financial Inclusion, Human Trafficking, Intimate Partner Violence, Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Assistance, and Social Protection. Nathanael previously launched and served as the director of IPA’s Social Protection Program which works to improve and scale safety nets and livelihood opportunities for the poor through evaluations of graduation programs, cash transfers and basic income, youth employment, and labor market programs. He has a B.A. in economics from Wesleyan University and a Master in Public Affairs in International Development from the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs.