Joshua Blumenstock

Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Assistant Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Joshua Blumenstock is an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Through his research, he develops methods and theory for the analysis of large-scale behavioral datasets, with a focus on how such data can be used to understand processes of human and economic development in poor and marginalized regions of the world.
Recent projects use terabyte-scale data on network communication to understand the lasting impacts of corruption and violence (Afghanistan), the impact of physical segregation on the structure of social networks (Pakistan and Estonia), and the potential for Mobile Money and similar mobile phone-based technologies to reduce economic frictions and improve welfare (sub-Saharan Africa). Prior to joining UW, Joshua was a post-doctoral scholar in the Department of Economics at Yale University. He has a Ph.D. in Information Management and a M.A. in Economics from U.C. Berkeley, and Bachelor's degrees in Computer Science and Physics from Wesleyan University.
He is a recipient of the Intel Faculty Early Career Honor and a former fellow of the Thomas J. Watson Foundation and the Harvard Institutes of Medicine. His current projects are supported by the National Science Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Innovations for Poverty Action, and the U.K. Department for International Development.