Evidence at your Fingertips Series: Operational and Design Choices of Social Assistance Programs

Evidence at your Fingertips Series: Operational and Design Choices of Social Assistance Programs

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To help policymakers make practical programmatic design choices, the “Evidence at Your Fingertips Series” explains how the design of cash transfer programs can affect outcomes. The review is largely based on impact evaluations published in the past decade. The series is launched with an initial set of five thematic briefs on benefit size, timing (frequency and duration), transfer modality (cash versus in-kind), payment mechanism (physical versus digital), and gender. While the impacts of cash transfers can vary depending on the context, the overview brief aims to present key takeaways on how design features can impact cash transfer outcomes.

Evidence at Your Fingertips Series:

Citation: “World Bank; Innovations for Poverty Action. 2024. Evidence at your Fingertips Series: Operational and Design Choices of Social Assistance Programs. © Washington, DC: World Bank. https://hdl.handle.net/10986/41715 License: CC BY-NC 3.0 IGO.”