Looking for sustainable paths out of extreme poverty
IPA is evaluating pilots of the CGAP-Ford Ultra-Poor Graduation program in 7 different countries. The idea is to provide a comprehensive package of support to the very poorest, with the hope that at the end of the program they will have moved out of extreme poverty and be able to generate enough income to support themselves.
Maria Dolores Sanchez Liste reports back on the CGAP blog on the results from our baseline survey in Honduras:
First, this population is extremely poor: over 90% of pilot participants live on US$1 a day or less...
36% of those surveyed are illiterate...
Only 3% of the villages of the study have a paved access road...
We'll be conducting follow-up surveys at the end of the program, and then one year later, to see whether those poverty figures have come down, and stayed down. Stay tuned.