Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Evidence Generation
IPA has 19 country offices, listed here, as well as projects in 30+ more countries across the globe.
Research Coordinator
Matt Bombyk leads the development of research resources, and is working to improve internal strategy of capacity-building for research staff, both at the global staff trainings and through other channels. Matt transferred to the Research and Knowledge Methods team in 2015, having joined IPA in 2012 as a Project Coordinator in Mongolia in 2012. In this capacity, he coordinated data collection and analysis activities for the evaluation of projects involving nomadic herders, vocational education students and residents of the "yurt cities" around the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. Matt has an MS in Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota, where he also studied for his undergraduate degree in Economics and Biology.