Questionnaire Repository

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This page lists survey instruments that are being developed by IPA and others to learn more about responses to and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal is to make questionnaires available to a wide audience to allow researchers to harmonize language, item format, response options, and other features in order for make data more comparable across studies. To support this effort, IPA encourages research teams to use the RECOVR survey and the COVID-19 Economic Impact Survey instruments, listed directly below.

This repository is also meant to provide a starting point for those who are new to these topics or survey modes (phone, SMS, web, etc.). We are seeking to include not just reader-friendly documents with the survey questions, but also coded forms and supporting documents such as field training manuals and protocols, as well as technical reports.

This is not an exhaustive list, but topics can include public health response, access to health resources, norms and attitudes related to COVID-19, economic impact of containment policies, or distance learning. The repository may be expanded in the future to be a general questionnaire repository and individual item bank on any topic or survey mode. If you would like to submit a COVID-19-related questionnaire that is for research in the public good (not for commercial purposes), please fill out this Google Form or contact IPA's Global Data & Research Support (GRDS) team. Comments and suggestions about this repository can be sent to that same address.

IPA is very grateful to the researchers who have contributed their surveys and to our supporting and contributing partners.


COVID-19: Understanding Effects and Resilience in Kenya from a Cash Transfer Experiment (Questionnaire)

<p>To understand the impact of COVID-19 on our study area, we collect phone survey data (to minimize in-person interactions) from households and enterprises.These phone surveys measure economic, health and behavioral change outcomes for households and enterprises targeted in Egger et al (2019).We also bring in a sample of additional households and enterprises based on a recent census activity to ensure our sample is representative for the entire study area as recently as possible.This census tracked all 70,000 households and 20,000 enterprises in the area, providing an up-to-date representative sample of households and firms.</p>
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Country Kenya
Program Area Social Protection

Randomized Evaluation

Young Lives Covid-19 Phone Survey of Adolescents in Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam

<p>Young Lives longitudinal survey began in 2001, with two cohorts, one born in 2000 (8,000 children) and one born in 1994 (4,000 children).Young Lives had planned to undertake a sixth round of quantitative fieldwork in 2020, now replaced with a Computer-Assisted-Telephone-Survey (CATI) comprising three phone calls.&nbsp;Call 1 (June-July 2020): Explain the phone survey this year and in-person gain consent for the main survey.Basic information collected: living arrangements; health of household members; labour and education effects of current emergency/lockdown; Covid-19 knowledge and behaviours.</p>
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Descriptive / Surveillance

COVID-19 Phone Survey in Senegal

<p>This&nbsp;survey aims to gather information on a representative sample of 1,000 respondents to understand how they are affected by the COVID-19 crisis, how well they follow mitigation measures, their perception of the crisis and government action and impact on children's education.The panel of respondents will be followed every month during the time of the crisis. The questionnaire aims to collect information on a representative sample of the Senegalese population for a rapid assessment at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis.</p>
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