Education Evidence for Action

Education Evidence for Action

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There is building momentum for evidence-based planning, implementation, and decision making in government. Nowhere is the need greater than in Kenya’s education sector. To capitalize on the call to accelerate the research-to-implementation continuum, the Kenya Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) in partnership with the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), RTI International, Twaweza, and the Women Education Researchers of Kenya (WERK), is organizing the Education Evidence for Action Conference on December 2-3, 2015 at the Merica Hotel in Nakuru, Kenya.

The Education Evidence for Action Conference organizing partners believe that the ambitious targets of driving national education interventions, reforming the curriculum, implementing the National Education Sector Plan (NESP) and edging towards inclusive and equitable quality learning demands a sustained conversation of actors and building a community of evidence and practice. Subsequently, the MoEST will partner with education research evidence providers in Kenya to host a national evidence dissemination event.


Merica Hotel



