Dean Karlan Presents Results of Graduation Study

Dean Karlan Presents Results of Graduation Study

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Dean Karlan (Yale; President, IPA; Chair, J-PAL's Finance Sector) presented the results of the Graduating the Ultra-Poor studies during a conference hosted by IPA, J-PAL LAC, the Ministry of Finance of Peru, and Plan International at Pacífico University in Lima. Dean presented results from the six-country study, with a focus on the Peru evaluation. Plan International discussed their experience in implementing the model, as well as lessons and next steps from evaluation results. Following Dean’s presentation, Boris Choqueneira (Program Manager, Plan International) and Carolina Trivelli (Principal Researcher, Institute of Peruvian Studies; Former Minister, Ministry of Social Development and Inclusion) commented on the applicability of the results to the Peruvian context. Over one hundred participants, including government officials from relevant social sectors, as well as foreign aid agencies, NGOs, and private sector organizations, attended. Read IPA’s post on the event as well as local news coverage here and here.



