IPA Côte d'Ivoire Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Ministry of Employment and Social Protection

IPA Côte d'Ivoire Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Ministry of Employment and Social Protection

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On May 29, IPA Côte d'Ivoire and the Direction Générale de l'Emploi (DGE) of the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The agreement specifies how IPA will assist the Ministry with a special focus on the most vulnerable populations (youth, entrepreneurs in the informal sector, workers with handicaps, women, etc.). IPA and the Ministry have been forming this partnership for over a year and are particularly interested in conducting policy-relevant research. For the first activity under this MoU, IPA and the DGE are working together to base, as much as possible, the COVID-19 response on data collected through the RECOVR initiative. 

This agreement will extend until December 2022. This marks the continuation of what IPA hopes will be a wonderful and productive partnership with the Ministry, which will bring the necessary research to support the employment sector and ensure a stable economy.

Côte d'Ivoire MoU with DGE
From left to right: Franck Dogoh Madou (General Director of Employment) and Anderson Ben Koffi (Technical Advisor) representing the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection and Samuel Kembou Nzalé (Country Representative) and Romaric Ekpinda (Research Associate) representing IPA Côte d'Ivoire.





Côte d’Ivoire