Lecture | Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large-Scale Randomized Trials in Five Countries

Lecture | Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large-Scale Randomized Trials in Five Countries

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Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 | 3:00 PM Philippines Time


Noam Angrist lecture


The UP School of Economics (UPSE) and Philippine Center for Economic Development (PCED) in partnership with the Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) hosted a lectue by Noam Angrist on his newest paper “Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large-Scale Randomized Trials in Five Countries'' on October 4th, 3:00 PM at the UP School of Economics.

Angrist talked about the evidence from the #mEducation program and its applications in the Philippines, including programs for emergency response settings, and strategies for scaling the evidence-based program as a low-cost and effective learning modality. Highlighting how technology can be a great tool to support government policies, he shared various efforts in scaling up the program through continuous collaboration with the Department of Education, both in the Central Office and Field Offices.

Packed with an enthusiastic audience, one participant expressed her interest to see how this program can impact the initiatives in recovering the learning loss in the Philippines. The event was also attended by by Dr. Michael Alba, FEU Public Policy Center’s President, Dr. Ester Albano-Garcia, former Chairperson of the Commission on Higher Education and President of the University of the East, and Mr. Jaton Zulueta, AHA Learning Center’s President and Co-founder, who served as lecture discussants. JC Punongbayan, UPSE’s Assistant Professor and Finance Director hosted and moderated the event. 

Learn more about the #mEducation study done by IPA in partnership with the Department of Education and Youth Impact here.




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